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RECT™ entry-level towers

Set up a centre, consolidate your data. RECT™ entry-level tower servers are cost-efficient as well as cost-optimised server systems for small-sized enterprises and home offices. A solid basic technology serves as foundation for their use as central supply of data and services. Available with Microsoft Windows Server 2019 as well as with different Linux operating systems, it is a hub that is straightforward to manage and can be made available quickly.

RECT™ entry-level towers

Set up a centre, consolidate your data. RECT™ entry-level tower servers are cost-efficient as well as cost-optimised server systems for small-sized enterprises and home offices. A solid basic technology serves as foundation for their use as central supply of data and services. Available with Microsoft Windows Server 2019 as well as with different Linux operating systems, it is a hub that is straightforward to manage and can be made available quickly.

Cost-efficient base models

Solid technology for the basic segment

RECT™ custom-made products

If you have special needs - speak with us. We provide advice, help you plan and come up with a solution that's right.
  • Adjusted hardware and software configurations
  • Customized system test runs
  • Individual service agreements (SLA)

The latest server trends in the RECT™ shop